Wednesday, March 5, 2008

eponyms in medicine - part 43

421 - Spanish flu is 1918 influenza with 20-100 million deaths worldwide with 2.5% mortality (influenza normally 0.1% mortality).

422 - Wernicke’s area is important cortical center for recognizing speech - found in the superior temporal gyrus; communicates with Broca’s area with arcuate fasciulus.

423 - Cruveihiler-Baumgarten bruit is bruit heard over caput medusa in portal hypertension.

424 - Dacie’s syndrome is idiopathic hyperplastic enlargement of the spleen with anemia and neutropenia; progression to lymphoma in some cases.

425 - Forscheimer spots is in rubella - punctate soft palate macules.

426 - Sudeck’s syndrome is reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome occurring in older people characterized by cystic changes and subchondral erosion in bone - diffuse osteoporosis - and muscle atrophy - but not necessarily associated with trauma.

427 - Denver shunt is for treating refractory ascites - peritoneovenous shunt connecting peritoneum and central venous system - compare with LeVeen shunt; Denver shunt uses valve that lies within a fluid-filled - compressible silicone chamber.

428 - Schilder’s disease is adrenoleukodystrophy - X-linked disorder - presents in childhood with weakness - spasticity - leading to dementia - blindness - and quadriparesis - associated with adrenal insufficiency; from defect in beta-oxidation of fatty acids in peroxisomes leading to accumulation of very long-chain saturated fatty acids.

429 - Kulchitsky’s cells is neuroendocrine argentaffin cells present along the bronchial epithelium - particularly in the fetus and neonate; small cell carcinoma has granules similar to Kulchitsky’s cells; origin of carcinoid tumors.

430 - Boxer’s fracture is fracture of the metacarpal neck - classically of small finger.

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